The change to Green energy is easy. Photovoltaic installations can progressively reduce your energy bill , you just have to know how to do it.
After the installation of your solar system, you just have to enjoy all the advantages that this great change.
You will get your own electricity through your new solar system, and during nights your needs will be cover by the main power grid (Endesa or Iberdrola).
Your new solar system will be homologated according to the RD 244/2019 for self-consumption (Autoconsumo).
We are partners of ECONACTIVA, a GREEN energy cooperative. If you wish, you could switch to ECONACTIVA, with no extra costs.
You will save money, enjoying all the advantages of green energy and making a better future for the planet.
Contact us HERE.
(+34) 635 335 183
Ctra. CM-420 Km 5.
CP: 13250 Daimiel (Ciudad Real)